Kingdom Inc. (Part 3)
“My work is counting for something in the kingdom even when I can’t physically see it.”
“Hey sis, have you ever thought about doing a video blog talking about your posts?” my big brother Chris asked me. I laughed with a surprised look on my face, “Video Blogging?” I was still trying to get the hang of consistently blogging and building my content for my newly designed page. Video blogging hadn’t remotely crossed my mind at that moment but it was something I’ve always dreamed of doing.
Considering his awesome idea for a few moments more, I decided to give it a shot. Why not? It would kind of be like being on TV. Not before long, our conversation became like a quick, intense game of ping-pong as we enthusiastically tossed ideas and logistics back and forth about creating my video blog as known as “Lindsey Corner.”
I wanted this video blog to be something nice. I thought beyond my iPhone camera and headphones. I knew that “top of the line” cameras, crystal clear audio equipment, and even video editors cost money that I didn’t have. Thankfully, Chris and my husband BOTH have proficient knowledge in video editing and have good working cameras with clear audio. It wasn’t television studio grade but it was a great start.
Around the middle of January 2018, I shot my first and rather VERY awkward episode of “Lindsey’s Corner.” It was fun and great springboard to see where I can DEFINITELY fix and fine tune my next episode to make things better. I cringed as I watched myself nervously and loudly explain and talk about how God has been working in my life through my blog. It was a ROUGH but HUMBLE beginning as I was learning more of the ropes of working in God’s Kingdom.
The editing process was a HUGE challenge. Editing took MUCH longer than expected and when it was complete, the video for weeks did not cooperate or post to the digital platform Chris and I desired to use. Managing my blog page was also difficult for me also as it felt as if I was being physically, mentally, and spiritually deterred from posting consistently.
I was getting frustrated and discouraged as I struggled to post content on my blog. What I did have posted was subjected to the familiar radio silence from the audience in the blogging world. Coordinating time to film the next video blog seemed impossible. It was as if everything was slowly unraveling while I grit my teeth, pressed ahead still saying, “Lord, I still trust you.”
Doing God’s work is most definitely rewarding and fulfilling but it can also be challenging as attacks, setbacks, and discouragement bombards us from time to time. They pose as that one annoying employee who constantly gives us a hard time and tries everything that can to make our jobs harder or even at times impossible. If you’re new to the work God has called you, that one particular employee will even go the distance to make you feel inferior to them no matter diligently you work.
One morning, I had a talk with God about everything that was going on: the failures, the struggles, the setbacks, everything. Just a like a supervisor, God knows and see everything. While He assures me that He will handle everything that is hindering my progress and my work in His Kingdom, I’m also given a loving charge and admonition. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)
This means that I am to simply keep my mind stayed on Him and focus doing His work. It’s not easy while at times I may get distracted. Whether I’m performing at my best or dealing with my “off days” while doing His work in His name, God’s approval and countenance is shining down on me NO MATTER WHAT (Numbers 6:25-26). My work is counting for something in the kingdom even when I can’t physically see it.
By the end of January, I was starting to get back into the flow of things as I watched God remove, shift, and guide me through the roadblocks that were setting me back. It wouldn’t be until mid-February would I see a little bit of the fruits of my labor in working for God. Valentine’s Day 2018, I woke up to an UNBELIEVABLY unexpected email that had me elated.
A prominent lifestyle magazine in Miami, Florida contacted me and wanted to feature me in their spring issue under “Miami’s Most Inspirational Stories.” This in-depth interview would showcase a handful of business owners, grassroots entrepreneurs, philanthropists, and bloggers who’ve made an impression in the community or their city. My blog and it’s social media site was featured.
HOW did all this happen? I have NO IDEA even until this day. What I do know is this was all God’s doing entirely, NOT mine. I praise and worship for Him for guiding me and opening doors that I couldn’t on my own. This was also a reminder that there are people who I know and don’t know that are watching as I do God’s work.
Though I celebrate the success of my blog getting featured, my story doesn’t end there. I still have a lot of work to do and I must not stop now. I’m still by society’s standard unemployed but I’m doing what I love as I’m walking in my purpose blogging, video blogging, and sharing what God is doing in my life through social media. I know without a doubt that in time, God will make a way and open doors financially for me somehow. For now, I’m enjoying being employed in the best corporation ever.
You also have work to do as God’s employee. You’re already hired and God will make room and provide you with the necessary tools to get His work done whatever it maybe. Trust Him. He’s THE BEST supervisor and CEO. You don’t have to have it all together to do the work. All you need is a willing, trusting spirit and a heart ready to commit and serve. So Welcome to Kingdom Inc. and let’s get to work. I pray that you walk BOLDY and FEARLESSLY with humility in your special God-given calling in Jesus Name.