Kingdom Inc. (Part 1)
“God will often hire us to do amazing and divine work for His Glory and Kingdom”
I remember vividly the conversation with God about the call that He placed in my heart to start a faith based blog that dark yet starry Tuesday morning as I drove down Interstate 15 South at 3:45 in the morning to get to work back in spring 2016. As I thought the blog was a fantastic idea since writing was my passion, I made a Christmas list of excuses to God on why it wouldn’t work such as: I’m nowhere near a professional writer, starting a blog sounds expensive, I don’t have seminary or ministerial credentials to be writing about Him, and people probably wouldn’t even bother to read my material.
After having my “Moses Moment” of why I wasn’t going to make the cut as a blogger, God was very gracious with my doubts and questions instead of burning with anger against me. For every argument that I had on why things wouldn’t work out, God had a rebuttal for all the reasons why it would if I TRUSTED Him. Not wanting to push with my excuses, I agreed to start the blog even though I had NOT ONE CLUE on how to get started. My job was to TRUST and obey God while God handled the rest.
Later that year in August, I did as much research as I could to prepare myself to build my blog. Google and Pinterest were my best friends. In my research I stumbled upon a FREE blogging platform on which I could blog from. God took care of the “blogging sounds expensive” statement. Few days later, I wrote my first blog post about the faithfulness of God and it was a success. Starting out with a blog, 6 person responses saying that they read and enjoyed the blog were pretty good, right?
The next week, I wrote about God taming my tongue in confrontation as I gave a personal account and a biblical perspective on what God taught me in the midst of that lesson. Not one person read it at all. It was like that for months. Already feeling doubtful, I would hear the condemning voice in my head from none other than what we call “the accuser of the brethren.” That’s right, Satan.
“Ha! You couldn’t write your way out of a wet paper bag.” “Just as I thought, NO ONE will read this and they never will.” “Your best bet is to quit. Blogger…Who are you fooling?” These were the jeers and snide remarks that I heard the enemy say. I cried and told God, “See God? I did what You said. It didn’t work.” With disappointment in my heart and lack of trust, two weeks later, I shut the blog down.
God will often hire us to do amazing and divine work for His Glory and Kingdom. While we may not know all in-depth about the work or assignment we are assigned or called to, we are to simply trust God no matter how obscure or even strange the assignment may look like. He wants your obedience and trust.
In my case, though I was obedient I can say honestly that I didn’t trust Him completely. This is why we are to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our understanding (Proverbs 3:5). My lack of trust and even my own understanding of how I thought the blog should’ve been caused me to selfishly make His Will about me entirely which caused me to disqualify myself from doing His work. I didn’t trust Him or His wonderful process to make the blog work.
Some of you may be called by God to start a business, write a book, or go back to school to get the degree or credential, what have you. You make excuses about WHY you can’t or shouldn’t do it already disqualifying yourself before you even get started. Should you actually take the step to get started and the pressure and heat is on where your faith and obedience is tested, you’re first inclination as it being the simple way out is to QUIT.
When God calls you to something no matter how big or small, He already has the vote of confidence in you to get what needs to be accomplished for His Kingdom. He “hired” you for the job. Not trusting in His process and His word already set you up to be fired even sometimes before you’re hired. Some of you may be fired now while the burning call from God deep inside is still there. Get up and get back on track. God is patiently waiting.
After shutting down and walking away from my first blog, God still called and left voicemails in the deepest depths of my heart for me to try again to rebuild a new one. It would be a little more than a year later that I answer His call and rehire myself with a meek "Yes." Find out what happens next on part two of Kingdom Inc.